Chirag Chhablani

I am a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Illinois, Chicago , working under the supervision of Dr. Ian A. Kash . My work is broadly focused on sequential decision making and explainable AI. Currently, I am visiting researcher at IIT, Chicago under Dr. Ren Wang .

I received B.E.(Hons.) in Electrical and Electronics and M.E (Hons.) in Software Systems from Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani. I was also a research fellow at School of Information systems, Singapore Management University where I worked on speech recognition, processing and summarizations for dialog systems.


I am on the job market. Please reach out if you are interested in my profile.

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profile photo
(*indicates equal contribution)

Much of my research is on concerns with how AI models can be more rational, explainable and better at sequential decision making. Currently, I am using reinforcement learning for interpretable ML and conversational AI models. I am also interested in generative models, speech regonition and graph neural networks.

Game-theoretic Counterfactual Explanation for Graph Neural Networks
C Chhablani*, S Jain*, I Kash and S Medya
WWW 2024 (Oral Presentation)

Digits Micromodel for accurate and secure transactions
C Chhablani, V Gurbani, J Hosier and N Sharma
AAAI 2024 (Workshop)
An Analysis of Connections Between Regret Minimization and Actor Critic Methods in Cooperative Settings
C Chhablani, I Kash
AAMAS 2023
Multiplicative Weight Updates for Extensive Form Games
C Chhablani, M Sullins, I Kash
AAMAS 2023 (Oral Presentation)
Counterfactual Multiagent Policy Gradients and Regret Minimization in Cooperative Settings (long invited talk)
C Chhablani, I Kash
AAAI 2021 (workshop)
Work Experience
Vail Systems
PhD intern (Speech Recognition and Language Models for Banking applications)
Argonne National Labs
PhD intern (Deep Learning models for HPC systems)
Zell Payments, Early Warning Services
ML intern (Key phrase extraction and Opinion Mining)
School of Information Systems, Singapore Management University
Research Fellow (Speech Processing and Text Summarization)
CEERI, India
Research Assistant (Object Detection for Panaroma images)
Teaching Experience

Teaching Assistant
CS 411: Aritificial Intelligence I, UIC
CS 362: Computer Design, UIC
CS 251: Data Structures, UIC
CS 109/110: Matlab Programming, UIC
Recipient of GSC Travel Award ($1500), UIC
Recipient of Merit Scholarship (25% Fee Waiver), BITS Pilani
Ranked 5663/400k+, 2916/1.2m+, 211/135k+ in national entrance exams IIT-JEE, AIEEE, BITSAT
Invited Talks

2020 | Google Deepmind Reinforcement learning for games

2021 | Argonne Seminar Series

2022 | Berkeley Seminar Series

Reviewer: AAAI'23, AAAI'21, ICLR'22, ICLR'21, AAMAS'23,AAMAS'22
Volunteer: AAAI 2021, AAMAS 2023

Template taken from Jon Barron's website.